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Každoročná konferencia "Súradnice estetiky, umenia a kultúry" sa v roku 2024 uskutoční v kooperácii so SAE (Slovenská asociácia pre estetiku) na pôde Filozofickej fakulty PU v Prešove pod spoločným názvom UDALOSŤ ako diskontinuita, nastávanie, ruptúra.
Na jeseň sa uskutoční ďalší ročník našej tradičnej a obľúbenej slovensko-českej estetickej konferencii. Po minuloročnej Plzni sa tentokrát vraciame opäť na Slovensko, do Prešove. Tešíme sa na spoluprácu s kolegyňami a kolegami z Inštitútu estetiky a umeleckej kultúry Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove. Konferencia s názvom UDALOSŤ ako diskontinuita, nastávanie, ruptúra sa uskutoční v dňoch 15. – 16. 10. 2024. Pozvané plenárne prednášky prednesú, a teda keynotes pre aktuálny ročník sú:
prof. Dr. phil. Josef Vojvodík, M.A. (Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha, ČR)
doc. Mgr. Michaela Fišerová, M.A., PhD. (Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, ČR)
doc. Mgr. Josef Fulka, PhD. (Fakulta humanitních studií, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, ČR)
The Faculty of Arts of the University of Prešov will have the honour to welcome the famous American philosopher Richard Shusterman.
Professor Shusterman's research focuses on the humanities, particularly English language and philosophy. He is one of the most influential voices in contemporary philosophical aesthetics and the emerging field of somaesthetics.
He is the Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy at Florida Atlantic University.
Professor Shusterman's public program during his stay in Presov will consist of two events on May 6 and 7, 2024:
6.5.2024 / 10:00 / FF PU / Classroom no. 91
Invited lecture:
After briefly explaining the genealogy, aims, and structure of the field of somaesthetics, this lecture will focus on one of its central concerns: the art of living. It will discuss somaesthetics and the art of living primarily in connection with the idea of philosophy as a way of life, both with respect to its classical models and to contemporary revivals of this idea. The lecture will also examine how the art of living raises issues concerning the blurring of conventional contrasts between art and life and between the ethical and the aesthetic.
This lecture is the result of the project VEGA no. 1/0065/22 Between the past and the present of Aesthetics in Slovakia – critical reading and critical editions with regard to the historical memory and knowledge update.
* the lecture will be streamed on the Facebook profile of the Institute of Aesthetics and Artistic Culture FF PU Prešov
7.5.2024 / 10:00 / FF PU / Dean's boardroom
Screening of documentary films and discussion:
Exhorting philosophy as a way of life, Socrates eschewed the practice of philosophical writing as a corrupting distraction. But writing soon became philosophy’s privileged medium, and philosophy today is essentially practiced today as literature (writing and reading) rather than oral dialogue. To what extent and in what ways can philosophy take advantage of new media technology — not simply through the digital production of articles, books, and blogs but also through visual media? Experimentation in visual media seems especially appropriate for the philosophical field of aesthetics.
Philosopher Richard Shusterman continues the pioneering thrust of his work in pragmatist aesthetics and somaesthetics by trying to convey his message in the medium of video as part of his continued efforts to revive the idea of the philosophical life while expanding philosophy’s reach and public. Besides the videos of his experimental performance art (in collaboration with the Parisian artist Yann Toma), there is a three-part educational documentary concerning Shusterman’s philosophical work and its inspirational sources (directed by the Polish filmmaker Paweł Kuczyński). This event will screen two of those parts, with Slovak subtitles, and include Shusterman’s commentary on this project and its meaning.
This event is the result of the project KEGA č. 018PU-4/202 Innovation of teaching humanities with an emphasis on creative and experiential methods.
Každoročná konferencia "Súradnice estetiky, umenia a kultúry" sa v roku 2024 uskutoční v kooperácii so SAE (Slovenská asociácia pre estetiku) na pôde Filozofickej fakulty PU v Prešove pod spoločným názvom UDALOSŤ ako diskontinuita, nastávanie, ruptúra.
Na jeseň sa uskutoční ďalší ročník našej tradičnej a obľúbenej slovensko-českej estetickej konferencii. Po minuloročnej Plzni sa tentokrát vraciame opäť na Slovensko, do Prešove. Tešíme sa na spoluprácu s kolegyňami a kolegami z Inštitútu estetiky a umeleckej kultúry Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove. Konferencia s názvom UDALOSŤ ako diskontinuita, nastávanie, ruptúra sa uskutoční v dňoch 15. – 16. 10. 2024. Pozvané plenárne prednášky prednesú, a teda keynotes pre aktuálny ročník sú:
prof. Dr. phil. Josef Vojvodík, M.A. (Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha, ČR)
doc. Mgr. Michaela Fišerová, M.A., PhD. (Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, ČR)
doc. Mgr. Josef Fulka, PhD. (Fakulta humanitních studií, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, ČR)
The Faculty of Arts of the University of Prešov will have the honour to welcome the famous American philosopher Richard Shusterman.
Professor Shusterman's research focuses on the humanities, particularly English language and philosophy. He is one of the most influential voices in contemporary philosophical aesthetics and the emerging field of somaesthetics.
He is the Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy at Florida Atlantic University.
Professor Shusterman's public program during his stay in Presov will consist of two events on May 6 and 7, 2024:
6.5.2024 / 10:00 / FF PU / Classroom no. 91
Invited lecture:
After briefly explaining the genealogy, aims, and structure of the field of somaesthetics, this lecture will focus on one of its central concerns: the art of living. It will discuss somaesthetics and the art of living primarily in connection with the idea of philosophy as a way of life, both with respect to its classical models and to contemporary revivals of this idea. The lecture will also examine how the art of living raises issues concerning the blurring of conventional contrasts between art and life and between the ethical and the aesthetic.
This lecture is the result of the project VEGA no. 1/0065/22 Between the past and the present of Aesthetics in Slovakia – critical reading and critical editions with regard to the historical memory and knowledge update.
* the lecture will be streamed on the Facebook profile of the Institute of Aesthetics and Artistic Culture FF PU Prešov
7.5.2024 / 10:00 / FF PU / Dean's boardroom
Screening of documentary films and discussion:
Exhorting philosophy as a way of life, Socrates eschewed the practice of philosophical writing as a corrupting distraction. But writing soon became philosophy’s privileged medium, and philosophy today is essentially practiced today as literature (writing and reading) rather than oral dialogue. To what extent and in what ways can philosophy take advantage of new media technology — not simply through the digital production of articles, books, and blogs but also through visual media? Experimentation in visual media seems especially appropriate for the philosophical field of aesthetics.
Philosopher Richard Shusterman continues the pioneering thrust of his work in pragmatist aesthetics and somaesthetics by trying to convey his message in the medium of video as part of his continued efforts to revive the idea of the philosophical life while expanding philosophy’s reach and public. Besides the videos of his experimental performance art (in collaboration with the Parisian artist Yann Toma), there is a three-part educational documentary concerning Shusterman’s philosophical work and its inspirational sources (directed by the Polish filmmaker Paweł Kuczyński). This event will screen two of those parts, with Slovak subtitles, and include Shusterman’s commentary on this project and its meaning.
This event is the result of the project KEGA č. 018PU-4/202 Innovation of teaching humanities with an emphasis on creative and experiential methods.
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